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Driving Directions to Kleinwallstadt

Schedel Engineering

Matthias Schedel
Veit-Stoß-Straße 2a
63839 Kleinwallstadt

Directions from the north:

AOn the A66 take exit Gelnhausen West direction Alzenau / Schöllkrippen.
At the first roundabout take the second exit ( direction Gelnhausen ).
Straight exit to the center ( intersection )
turn right towards Westerngrund
turn In Unterwestern on the outskirts the last left into Brueckenstrasse
At the end turn from Brückenstrasse to the left and go straight on.
After the house number 23 diagonally to the right turn into the yard .
Parking available.

Coming from the south:

On the A3 until shortly before exit Aschaffenburg Mömbris / Schöllkrippen direction Schöllkrippen drive remain in Schöllkrippen on the main road and continue until Schneppenbach .
Shortly after entering the village, turn right direction Schneppenbach Westerngrund.
In Unterwestern the first street turn right into the Brückenstrasse
At the end of the Brückenstrasse go left and drive straight out.
After the house number 23 diagonally to the right turn into the yard .
Parking available .

Please make an appropriate appointment.
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